Before I forget - a blog I just discovered is having a 100th post giveaway. You have to go there and enter - she's offering such cute stuff as a prize!!! http://cottagegardens-theresa-smith.blogspot.com/
I am definitely going to add her blog to my 'blogs I follow "list!!
This morning's post was prompted by something I read on Peggy's blog, http://passionsofanoddchick.blogspot.com/. If you haven't checked out her blog, you must - she is a wonderful artist and writer, and has a great little shop with some of the best teas and body lotions!!!
Do you find that having a blog, forces you to be a little braver in putting your work out there?
I find it is easier to show my work (and words) to an invisible public, thru a blog. I try not to peel back too many layers, but a blog seems therapeutic in a way, and keeps me creating, instead of procrastinating!
Now that I have a blog (or 2!), I have an obligation of sorts, to keep it active, and hopefully, interesting!!!
This reminds me of an article I read in the Washington Post last year- Does the Web have a role in promoting social isolation- or does it hold out a hand and invite the socially isolated back into the world?
What do you think? Does having a blog keep your creativity moving, is it easier to present your art to the world thru the internet?
That said, time to step away from the computer and go finish a couple of projects so I have something to show in the next post!!