And the birthday goodies keep on coming!!!
Today I got two surprise packages in the mail- one from my brother- a box FULL of books!! Two favorites were one on altered book making, and another on DIY Renegade Crafters. I lent the books to my mom to read, so I can't tell you the exact titles!!!
The other was a little package with dancing, glittery kewpie babies on the outside of the envelope, from Kimmie at art in red wagons!
What a lovely surprise - a brown package nicely tied in yarn, with a beautiful altered puzzle piece - cowboy, horse and little cowboy hat!!!I love it!!! I now own an original by Kimmie!!! Woohoo!!! Inside the package was a bag of tea leaves, from Everything Tea, in Kimmie's home town of Snohomish.
Of course, the timing couldn't have been better- guess what my tea for Tuesday is?????It is delicious, and so aromatic - I am still trying to identify the ingredients...............
I brewed up a batch, and instead of one of my many pottery mugs, I filled my rarely used Prince Albert China tea cup, and perused and devoured all the books from my brother. I was also enjoying the last piece of my 'featherweight' pound cake, and the last surviving flowers ( now dried statice) from the birthday bouquet from my mom.One can only extend her birthday so far...............!!!LOL My birthday month has come to an end!!
There is a quote somewhere - maybe from CS Lewis - there can never be enough tea or enough books................that about sums it up!!
Thank you Kimmie SO MUCH!!! And, thanks brother Bill- good job on the books!!!
Be sure to visit Kimmie and Patty and all our other tea loving friends for tea today. Feel free to join us on Tuesdays- what's in your tea cup?????