......even tho today feels like the PERFECT day for a pumpkin latte!!!!! More about those next week!!!!
Today I am just starting the day with a traditional Earl Grey English Breakfast, nothing new or exciting here on this dreary, foggy, chilly morn!!!
But, I did find some great tea related blogs for you to visit: Today's post in this
first one has a picture of a "must have" a little teapot clock by Brighton - soooo cute!!!
The other blog is ALL about teapots- called (what else?)
teapotsteapotsteapotsWaaaay down at the bottom, there was a post about "Living Life One Cup at a Time":
1-Have you had tea in an unusual place?
2-Have you had tea in unusual circumstances?
3-Was one of life's important decisions made over a cup of tea?
4-Do you have a memory of sharing a cup of tea with someone special?
Feel free to comment here and answer one of these questions!!!
I'll answer #4- my memories of tea w/someone(s) special are when my friends and I used to meet for tea, before I moved out here to the boonies. Montte, Evan and I, and for a while, Carol, til she moved to Pa, would meet on a weekday morning to have tea. Sometimes it was Starbucks, sometimes The Wired Monkey, for some really fancy loose leaf teas suspended over the cup by a bamboo skewer. There weren't alot of tea places where we lived, but Borders Books, Barnes and Noble, Panera's, and a place with "moose" in the name come to mind!!
It was always a nice relaxing time to catch up, commiserate, brag about our kids' latest accomplishment, or cry about their latest downfall. It was girls' time out, to discuss whatever was on our minds. Sometimes we'd bring a "guest", but it always boiled down to me, Montte, and Evan.
I miss those times. I know Montte and Evan still continue the tradition in the old neighborhood, and when they come down my way, we find a way to make tea part of the visit........................
Now, my tea "partner" is my daughter- usually plopped in front of the tv,commiserating, bragging, crying, sharing a hot cup of whatever is in the pantry!!!
Be sure to visit my previous post, to read about a wonderful upcoming show in Maryland- artisan teapots - UNbelievable!!!!!
Please join us, for Tea on Tuesdays -
Patty, Judy, and more. Link up, and tell us what's in YOUR cup this morning!!!