Ever wonder where that saying came from - once in a blue moon? Well, visit Heart and Hand's blog to find out the history behind it.
I always remember my grandmother saying that- "that happens once in a blue moon..."
Tomorrow night, it will actually occur!!! The full moon of New Year's Eve will be that blue moon. My husband always swore, in his years on the police force, that the night of a full moon was when all the "crazies" came out!! I bet he's glad he's not working this New Year's Eve- the holiday, combined with the full moon, and a blue one at that - will probably make for a record night for the local constabularies!
I missed yesterday's Tuesday tea - but am making up for it today with some homegrown sage tea!!! I read about sage tea on someone else's blog (can't remember who), and decided that was what I needed this morning to take the chill out of my bones!!!
I spent 2 frigid hours in the barn this morning, with the farrier- a half hour of preparation prior to his arrival - feeding haying, mucking, halters on, sweeping out the entryway. I could barely write the check, by the time we were done - my fingers were frozen!!! I still have my many layers of clothing on - the thermostat inside reads 68 degrees - even tho the woodstove is burning. DH is not home - and I don't want to play with the stove to try to get it to burn hotter!!!
So, several cups of sage tea - altho I would really like a hot toddy!!- a egg sandwich cooked on my old cast iron pan, and some crocheting of wool squares to get the blood flowing back into my fingers.
I found some wonderful goodies at the thrift store yesterday, including a vintage test tube(!) filled with 27 metal English and American made crochet hooks of all sizes!!! I don't imagine they are worth very much - but to a beginning crocheter like me - they are a gold mine!! Some have the original price stamped on them - 25 cents! The really small hooks come with little metal caps to slide over the ends-very cool!! One appears to be very old - with a tiny hook at each end.This hook reminds me of the story an elderly German lady, named Irma, told me years ago, of her life during "the war". Luxury items were quite scarce- and people would save string to knit/crochet socks out of. The one end is so tiny, it could only crochet sewing thread!
I have been needing new crochet hooks - and I am so excited with these!!!
I need to figure out how to store them - so they are easily accessible in numerical size order. Sticking them in order, into a square of styrofoam would probably work - but wouldn't be too attractive!!
Well, enjoy some scenes from our snow laden farm and pix of my "new" crochet hooks!!! I am going back to the couch, with some more hot tea and my wool squares!!!!