I just finished my latest postcard for Katrin's Travel Around the World
This time the swap is "visiting" Copenhagen. When I think of Denmark, I always think of Danny Kaye in the old film Hans Christian Andersen!! As a child, I read most, I think, of the stories from HCA.
My theme for the card was easy!!! The actually construction of it, was not!!!
I am still learning how to do all this, and am actually thinking of re-making the card! The layer of vellum I put in between, did not take very well to the glue. I work with what I have on hand - and I do not have alot of the newest supplies that are on the market today!! Might have to remedy that, if I continue to make these!!LOL
My card has a younger Hans looking adoringly (!) at his mermaid, on the back round of the Rundetaarn footwalk, with some story titles floating around. And, I have to put a slash thru the "O" in Kobenhavn!
One of the rules of the postcard, is to use at least one ink stamp image - so I happened to have a swan - which fits in perfectly with The Ugly Duckling! At the bottom, are two of the Royal carriage horses, which I may eliminate in my re-do!!A tiny vintage enameled star hangs over the mermaid head.