OK- Here's the deal!!! I need more 'followers'- and if I have to bribe to get them- I will!!! LOL
I realize this is a relatively new blog, and creating a readership takes time - but patience is NOT one of my virtues!!!! I thank all of my 7 followers, and secret readers out there in cyberspace for dropping in! But, I'd like to know who you all are!!!
So, in celebration of spring, and my new blog, I am having a Spring Random Giveaway.
All you have to do to be entered is #1 - leave a comment on THIS post, and #2 and most important- become a FOLLOWER!!!
On April 1st, April Fool's Day, I promise you WON'T be fooled - I will randomly pick a name out of all who have commented AND become a follower.( If you are already a follower, you WILL be included in the drawing- just leave me a comment letting me know you care!!!! :>) )
I think you will like this little spring "package"with a flower theme! There is a magnetic poetry set- I am addicted to these! Also, a stemware floral teacup, 2 of my fav Yogi teas, a kneeling mat and gloves for the garden, along with a seed pack of night blooming Four O'clocks. I've added a blank journal for your thoughts, and a Mason jar vase, hand painted by a local artist.
I am looking forward to meeting new followers, and giving away this spring package!!! Spread the word - tell your friends and fellow bloggers!!!! The more, the merrier!!!!! And, if you 'follow' me, I promise, I will "follow" you!!!
I found your blog after you commented on Pat Sloan's yesterday (and made reference to the Delaware quilt shops...I"m the one who sent her the photo of the Serendipity Shop...and MaryAnn of Mare's Bears is in one of my quilt guilds...she does carry Pat's fabric.) Anyway...I have that same gardener's magnetic poetry set. Browse-About books in Rehoboth carries just about ALL those sets....I think they are great! I'll sign on as a follower now and good luck with building your readership.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway, you know I 'follow' you, now if I can just figure out how to do it officially ;) Your Art blog is really coming along nicely.....two blogs, I can't imagine how you do it!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. And, like PattyS don't know how to do it officially. My friend Kit following you officially but now does that from above. She loved reading "ooglebloops" and especially loved the name of the blog.
ReplyDeletePat, if you win - I'll get another poetry set for you!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am not too computer literate - if you don't have a blog - do you sign on with google and then are able to 'follow'? Most times I just click on "follow" and that does it.
The name comes from a childhood name that my uncle gave me!! He claims that that is the noise I used to make as a baby!! LOL. I was looking for a catchy name- and that popped into my head - thanks to Uncle Bob- it's brought me luck so far!!! And, we know there is NO other Ooglebloops in the world!!!!
ReplyDeletei follow your other blog and had no idea that you had two!!
i will see if i can sign up as a follower now that i know :)
many thanks for sharing
enjoy your day
If ever there was a giveaway designed for me this is it! I've got a royal case of spring fever! Every item is balm for the fever. I adore four o'clocks...need new gardening gloves, have aching knees, love, love, love Yogi tea and would be tickled pink by a stemmed tea cup. That's a new one on me. A new journal is always a fun thing to get. Around this place I have to hide them they are so popular.
ReplyDeleteI've said it before, but I'll say it again...
I enjoy visiting your blog/s. I am a follower.
Good luck on the Japanese fabric giveaway...and stamps.
Oh you remind me how I really should start "following" blogs. I've had so many on my blogroll and feed reader that I've conveniently ignored this little piece of information.
ReplyDeleteI am one of the 7, but I would become a follower again anytime! You are a jewel and a really talented lady. I'm not, but I love to see others art. Debbie
ReplyDeleteHey there~
ReplyDeleteI found you thru the "FarmChicks" blog. I love all the creative things on your blog. I signed on as a follower.....now you have to pop over and become one on mine!! I look forward to lots more visits here!
Blessings- LillySue
Pat, only you could come up with this idea - I didn't know about this block, thanks for letting me know. I love your give-away but I am afraid the vase might get broken if it is shipped all the way to Belgium :-))
ReplyDeletegood luck with your followers and tell them they are all welcome to my blog too.
Jenny in Belgium who is to become a follower
my hand is hign in the air, i too am a follower and get a kick out of every post you make. especially when it has to do with the horses, as my husband is a farrier and i have a hors, it is just nice that someone is in love with their horses just as much as i am with mine, and loving making quilts too is just a bonus, keep up the good work and blogging
ReplyDeletethanks candi sharp
This is my first visit via Seth's Altered Page. I saw the name 'Ooglebloops' and just HAD to come visit. So glad I did. To quote Arnie, 'I'll be back'.
ReplyDeleteHi, I too have found your blog from Seth's
ReplyDeleteThe Altered Page. Been here before but am now an official "follower", and so glad to be one. Would love to participate in your drawing. I'll try to send in winning vibes for your wonderful spring give away, and of course, for your great blog!!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, sorry you missed out on my give-away. :(
ReplyDeletePlease enter my name and hope this brings you many "visitors." :)
I care! I care! Love following you! And I WANT to win....really bad. ~Mindy
ReplyDeleteHi Ooglebloops...
ReplyDeleteWhy not! I think it'd be fun to follow you around. I'm also a countrystyle late adopter. Grew up in NYC., born in Havana, spent 10 years in San Juan all metropolises of different flavors and sizes. Now I live in the little Township of Chatham in Northern New Jersey and you couldn't drag me away from my garden. Actually it's not quite country but the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is real close by the country (or what passes for one to a city girl) is a bike ride away.
Thanks for following my UrbanAmish blog, by the way.
I'll be your friend if you be my friend! I've started a new blog too, its hard to get it moving... bonbonbonnie.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love your give away, but even if I don't win... I've found another creative country girl like myself.... keep the creative side rolling!
Hi! I'm a follower - I enjoy reading Ooglebloops World - it makes me smile. I like the idea about planting potatoes in old tires - I'll let my sister know about that. I'm learning about posting and trying to upload this comment for the second time.
ReplyDeleteThis give-away has my name all over it, so here goes!
ReplyDeleteThis is too funny, I just figured out how to leave a message on this blog, Pat. I am the "anonymous" from above!!!!! LENNIE
ReplyDeleteYEAH!!!!!! I did it!!!!! LENNIE
ReplyDeleteYay!! Lennie!!!! :>)
ReplyDeleteI am following You.....will you follow me? I have dreams of being a country girl...but....I am married to a surfer....please stop by for a visit to the beach.
Loooove givaways so I am in. Signing up as a follower...check me out as well if you have a moment. Thanks and Yippie for giveaways..have to do the same on my blog =^..^=
ReplyDeleteThank you for entering my giveaway today and inviting me to yours! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for popping into my blog and following me! Glad to have found you!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSince I have no idea how to become a follower, I'm assuming it's a Blogger thing. Just wanted to let you know that there are a TON of us bloggers out there who don't use the Blogger brand software, so you may have lots of fans that you don't know about. ;) Good luck with your giveaway. I hope you get lots of new followers!