Any photos, writings, or artwork shown in this blog, or my other, Ooglebloop's World, are MINE and mine alone, unless otherwise indicated! Look, but don't touch! Do not borrow, use, lift, display, or post, without my permission. Use your own imagination- it is probably better anyway! Thank you!
Foothills of the National Forest, Va, United States
I'm country girl wannabe who got to be in 2007. I started blogging in 2008, at the behest of a friend, to let everyone know how I was adjusting to the move. Country life has been a dream come true, and it has unleashed a pent up art-full side in me. Now I have graduated to 3 blogs-one country, one art-full, one daily. Being of scattered mind and talents, we'll see how it goes....!!!!!! Please drop by often and leave a comment or two!! We bloggers LIVE for comments!!
My country living blog is
.....for blog contests and giveaways!! Here's a goodie- but one of the requirements is you must have a blog to enter. So, drop by Gene's blog and see his new baby while you're there!!!