We are back to regular T.o.T., without a set theme, just winging it- writing whatever comes to mind!!!I want to thank Kimmie for organizing our themes last month!!!
I haven't a thought in my head today, so I skimmed thru' my little book, 365 Things Every Tea Lover Should Know.
I opened to page 40 to this quote from Sir Arthur Pinero:
"Where's there's tea there's hope."
That's so true, when you need to relax, or are having a bad day, sit back, relax, with a favorite mug, filled with your favorite tea. Just clutching the hot mug, and inhaling the scented steam, can clear your head, and calm your mind.
My favorite of late, is lemongrass tea- the soothing lemon scent and flavor is a definite favorite!
In keeping with the tea theme- look what I found at the local thrift store yesterday!!
This precious little teapot clock just needs a new battery! The tiny dinerware style cup and saucer, with its faded painted flowers, will become a pin cushion or a candle. The cute little tin floral dish is so sweet- and perfect for spring!!! Total spent- about $2.50!!!
The little postcard is a work in progress- for Sunday Postcard- the theme this week is tea! On Pieces of D, I spotted another challenge, using the backround paper from Art Creations Friday. With lovely graphics from The Graphics Fairy, this is a work in progress - I had hoped to have it done by today, but still have a few more things to add to it!! I am really getting into this paper thing this week!!! This, along with the inchies I am working on with my cute little inchie supplies from Inchie Arts LLC, and the Travel Postcard Swap- I'm keeping busy!!!
Tea on Tuesday.....
....is experiencing technical difficulties!!!
I don't know if it is a coincidence, but after adding something thru the "monetize" feature on Blogger, I am no longer able to add pictures to my posts! I wrote my tea post last night, with the hopes this would be fixed today.
I only have 5 icons on the top bar of my posting form, and the photo option is not one of them!!!
It is very aggravating, and I have notified blogger about it - we will see what happens. It was like this last night, and I hoped if I (and blogger) slept on it- it would have been rectified this morning! Apparently not..............:.(
Stay tuned.................
I STILL cannot put pix up!!! GRRRR!!!
But my Tea on Tuesday post can be found HERE
I don't know if it is a coincidence, but after adding something thru the "monetize" feature on Blogger, I am no longer able to add pictures to my posts! I wrote my tea post last night, with the hopes this would be fixed today.
I only have 5 icons on the top bar of my posting form, and the photo option is not one of them!!!
It is very aggravating, and I have notified blogger about it - we will see what happens. It was like this last night, and I hoped if I (and blogger) slept on it- it would have been rectified this morning! Apparently not..............:.(
Stay tuned.................
I STILL cannot put pix up!!! GRRRR!!!
But my Tea on Tuesday post can be found HERE
Inchies, Inchies, Inchies!!!!!!!!

I am surrounded by inchies- a new found passion!!!!!!
Altho' I have seen these before on many blogs, including Patty's, I read a post the other day, on Kimmie's blog.
Her pictures and description made the process very clear. She was describing the idea of "bricolage", which led me to a post on Elizabeth's blog, which in turn led me to Seth's blog........ You can see why a few minutes on the computer, can turn into hours...............
Anyway, one thing led to another, and I have to thank Kimmie- for affording me yet another distraction from the banalities of daily living!!!!LOL
Kimmie kindly sent me a link to Inchie Arts, where Ellen Hutson stocks an inventory of chipboard inchies, twinchies, inchie +'s, and more!!!
Boggles the mind - I had to bug Kimmie with a few questions about which was what- and placed my order for a package of 72 inchies. I got them in a day or two - fast service, with a nice little thank you note and an extra surprise goodie baggie of St. Patty's Day green ribbon!
These are mine - so far - there is more work to be done on them-and I am already swapping those! I have 40 or 50 more to work on. The recent paper swaps I was in, came in handy for working on these!
When I received the chipboards, I just had to grab one and do a little zentangle on one. My favorite inchie -so far- is the "wee zen angel", the top row, 1st on left. The zentangle is middle row, 2nd from left. I am sure they will all be favorites when completed!!!
So, if anyone is interesting in swapping inchies with an obsessed newbie (that would be me!)- please let me know! We could do 1, 2 or 10 - your choice!!!!
Luigi Has Been Found!!

Since we have moved here (almost 3 years now) I have been searching for Luigi.
When last seen, he was being removed from my antique cabinet and then lovingly wrapped in mounds of bubble paper. He was gently lowered into a blue plastic storage bin - never to be seen again!!! Until TODAY!!!!
In a bin marked "quilts", there he was,under the quilts, with several matryoshkas, and Miss Mariposa.
Luigi was the first polymer doll I ever made- all original, and not very good. His arms are an inch too long, his one eye bulges out, and his hands and feet are a tad bit tiny for his body. But, I LOVE him - because he was my first!!!
I was inspired by the work of Bill Nelson, who I believe created the doll that sat on the mantle in the movie On Golden Pond. Bill Nelson is a prolific and fantastic carver and creator, bar none. I just loved that doll in the movie. I love all the creations of Mr. Nelson - they are wonderful!!
Anyway, I set out with my polymer, made some hands and feet, then made a shoulder plate with a head. Next, was his muslin body, blue jeans and chambray button down shirt. He has grey lamb's wool hair, and if you look closely, even has hair on his chest!!!
I may, one day, shorten his arms a bit, and make him a pair of shoes. But, for now, Luigi will resume his place in the display cabinet, to while away his days................
Tea on Tuesday

The last theme for Tea on Tuesday is signs of spring. In April, we go back to regular ToT- where we chat about whatever is on our mind that day- along with what we are drinking!!
My favorite signs of spring: daffodils, melting snow, green grass,new leaves on my lavender bushes, budding trees, robins, red finches, mayapples, baby animals, flies (unfortunately not a favorite!)footprints in the mud- and warm days and evenings!
Received this in a forwarded email - thought it would be cute for today!
Cup of Tea ~
One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me.
I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift, and it was one of my favorite toys.
Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home.
My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy; and she watched him drink it up.
Then she said, (as only a mother would know), "'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"
Caught a glimpse of a program on the Bramah Tea and Coffee Museum in London, altho I thought it was primarily a tea museum. The curator and founder commented that the onset of the 50's and television, brought the downfall of 300 years of traditional tea drinking. Commercials about instant coffee, and then the popularity of tea bags, took away the very essence of tea drinking and use of tea leaves. Chopped up tea in a teabag, what I grew up using, is not the way tea had been known. We are now coming back to tea leaves again- I am a convert!!
Please visit Kimmie for links to others in our tea party!! Please, join us, every Tuesday - all are welcome!!!
Bramah Tea Museum,
signs of spring,
tea on tuesday
More Zentangle Fun!

Sitting around today, watching The Time Traveler's Wife with my daughter- can't just sit and do nothing!! So, I did some more zentangles.
Two are book marks- both little surprises to be tucked in with a swap.
I read on the Zentangle blog (I think) about how easy it is to "tangle" on popsicle sticks- because they are so smooth. And, guess what - it is!!! It's kind of a challenge to work on such a tiny space. I still have a few popsicle sticks left - practice makes perfect!!!LOL Next time, I probably should pay better attention - and not be watching tv!!!
Both pictures can be clicked on for a closer look - they are tiny!!!
Now there's a good idea for a swap- popsicle stick zentangling!!!! Anyone up for it???
Zentangles and More...............

I finally got organized and put all my zentangles and swap art, both 'tangles and other, in a vintage photo album.
My original zentangles, my zendala card, Patty's zentangles with 2 of my daughter's, some swaps from Linda Vincent (she has a whole page!) Angie,Kimmie's puzzle piece, Postcard Travel- Liverpool and St. Petersburg, Charlotte Fern, Angie Beck, Judy Post,Mamapia who created the St. Petersburg arch, The Liverpool post card is by Marion.
If you see your art here, and I missed putting in a link - leave me a comment with a link to your blog!!! You can click on each picture for a closer look( not that mine warrant a closer look - LOL) - sorry for the flash distortion in some!

Tea on Tuesday

As I write, late again to Tea on Tuesday, I am searching for pictures to complement today's theme "Where I Live". With 6,000 or so photos saved on my computer - it would take too long!! So, here are a few from yesterday, and from the other week, when there was still snow about!!
I am not sipping tea today (shhhh!), but plain ice water with fresh mint leaves floating in it. So, not only am I late, but I'm not even drinking tea!!!LOL
Today's theme is "Where I Live".
My town is Fulks Run, Va. A run is a small creek - they seem to be everywhere around here. Altho, I have heard a story that Fulks Run was named after the moonshine run between here and the town of Broadway. I think I prefer that story - a bit more colorful than just being named after a creek!!
This lovely little town is kind of a blink and you'll miss it place- on the main road thru town, heading to West Va, there's the elementary school, Turner Ham Grocery, Mac's Superette food and gas, Valleyland where the locals hang for lunch, a tiny 2 seater hair salon open 3 days a week, a small lumber store, and the Post Office. There are several other businesses hidden down old gravel roads - Bare's Auto Repair, Yankey's Firewood, and numerous cattle and chicken farms. There is a kind of Andy of Mayberry charm within this town - the bank in the next town runs episodes of Andy of Mayberry over and over in the waiting area- that and a new puzzle on the table, will keep you busy, if you have to wait to see the bank manager! I love it!!
Downtown Broadway has a bit more to offer, and Harrisonburg, home of JMU, even more.
Small town living is the life for me, as the theme song for "Green Acres" proclaims- I love it here!
The pictures show (not in any particular order) a mural on a building in Broadway- looks like the historic Meem's covered bridge; some barn art near the Mauzy exit of I-81; the center of town in Harrisonburg,Main Street in downtown Broadway in the rain; sitting amongst the fencing at the co-op staring at the chicken factory; the last snow I hope to see here for a long time!!!
Please visit Kimmie for a list of the other tea members- and feel free to join us anytime!!!

How Cool is This???

Got alot of yarn that you just don't know what to do with- read about what this girl has done with yarn!!!!!
( Photo courtesy of Danny of People's District!)
Tea on Tuesday

So, sit back, relax, and have a cup of tea.......................
Visit Kimmie and Patty for more tea, and links to others in our tea party. Please, join us!!!
If you would like to participate in a teabag swap, please go to my previous post and sign up!!
Quotes on life by two souls more profound than I!
"It is art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance, for our consideration and application of these things, and I know no substitute whatever for the force and beauty of its process." Henry James in a letter to HG Wells- 1915
"I expect to pass through this world but once: any good thing therefore I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." Stephen Grellet 1773-1855
Tea Bag Swap - Numero Dos

We are in the midst of a teabag swap, and I had a few latecomers express interest in participating.
The more, the merrier, I say!!:>)
So, if you were one of those who left comments on the original post, and are still interested- leave me a comment HERE, with your email address. Anyone else, who thought about it, but procrastinated - now is your chance!!!
It's a one on one swap of your favorite tea. I will randomly match the names when all are submitted (it helps to have an even number of participants, so if you have a friend who wants to "play" - let them know!!!)
Tea drinkers from across the pond are more than welcome!!!
(Lovely teacup is courtesy of The Graphics Fairy- see a link to her wonderful blog on my sidebar!)
Yo Yo Brooch Swap

In my previous post, I mentioned the fab brooch I received from Nathalie
Now I can show the one I sent her. Front and back view. Mine was pretty large - I get carried away and over think things!!LOL I think/hope she liked it!
Swaps Make Happy Mail!!!!

A couple of online swaps I participated in hit my mail box all around the same time!!!
That makes my mailbox and I do a happy dance!!!!I think even my postmaster enjoys the interesting envelopes I receive!!!
The first swap was a yo-yo brooch- I wrote a post on the one I did for Nathalie - and here is the one I received from her!! It is sooo cute, and the packaging was too. Nathalie has an Etsy shop called Ruby Floy- you've got to check it out!!!The cancelled check with the package was stamped and decorated (with a sentiment that just cracked me up!), and the brooch was attached to an old library card. I wore it that same day - it fit nicely on my lime green down vest!!! I also WON one of her giveaways- a little package of HOPE- little sewing machine bobbins stamped with the word "hope"- Everyone needs a little hope.... Thanks, Nathalie!!!
The other swap was from Post Card Travel Around the World to Liverpool-featuring the Fab Four!!!! I love receiving these cards and studying everyone's technique. Thank you Marion in Germany!!!
I think I have one more swap to expect in my mailbox - the tea bag swap- so I guess I will be doing another happy dance at the post office very soon!!!
Quilt 4 Kids

Well, I finally finished my Downy quilt for kids quilt. It was fun, but it did remind me of how much I hate matching corners and points!!! I am more of an applique person myself!!!
Unbeknownst to me when I ordered the kit, the quilt has to be machine quilted, also not a talent of mine, so I stitched in the ditch.
It did turn out kind of cute. As my daughter said, the kid that receives it, won't be checking out the stitching!!! (Let's hope his mother is not a quilter!LOL)It comes with a label, that the quilter signs, and gives a name to the quilt. I guess mine will be "Hot Wheels Rally". The cars look like the Hot Wheels cars my son used to collect as a child.
The fabric comes precut, but not pre washed, so the directions tell you to wash the quilt after you are all finished. The requirements are for it to be heavily stitched, so it can survive multiple hospital washings. So, I washed it. After it came out of the wash, I realized I had missed a "ditch" and a block separated..............soooo, back to the sewing machine. Better that it happened here, than later on!!! I guess this morning I will add a bit more machine quilting, so the blocks will be able to withstand heavy duty washings. Sigh..........
Anyway, glad that's done with, it's off in the mail, and I hope this racecar blankie brings a small measure of comfort to some little boy somewhere.
Tea on Tuesday

As I sit here, sipping my hot mug of lemon ginger tea, 100.7FM is blasting rap in the back round........ to get me in the mood for researching today's theme - urban art!!!I'm KIDDING, of course - about the rap!!!
When I think urban art - I immediately think - GRAFFITI!! Growing up in NY, tagged buildings, subway walls, and freight trains, were common sights, especially the closer you got to "the city" (NYC). I was amazed at the artistic bent of these unknown artists, whose huge bubble letters or amazing works of art appeared overnight. I am sure most of this "art" was not viewed with appreciation, by the building owners, or public works folks who need to paint over it! My parents always dismissed it as destructive hooliganism!!!
Martha Cooper published a book in the 80's on Subway Art- a classic!
While googling "urban art", I discovered there is a gallery in NYC on E52nd, called monkdogz.com, featuring modern urban artists. I think they have a blog artblahblah.com I haven't had a chance to check that out yet.It is more than just "traditional" graffiti.
Graffiti, has spread from the walls of NY tenements to where ever there is an "inner" city, to outside of a city- the midwest, or to a train slowly passing thru a southern Va town. It is not just an art limited to the US. It is now seen as body art- tattoos, in clothing design, and has made it off the streets into art galleries.
I think there is much more to urban art than just graffiti tho'. I think Seth, of the Altered Page creates fabulous art with a definite urban flavor, totally unrelated to graffiti.
I recently reconnected with a childhood friend,now based in NYC, who has quite an impressive art resume - and paints beautiful art - very abstractly urban in nature.The city is her muse. I have absolutely no professional backround in art, and could be wrong categorizing her works as urban art. But she draws her inspiration from urban settings, so.......Take a look and see what you think - www.joannelobotsky.com
I am including a couple of examples of urban inmate art that came into my possession, done with the tiny ink stem of a pen- great examples of beauty emerging from despair.
Please join us for Tea on Tuesdays with a theme, and stop in to visit Kimmie for links to our other T.o.T. participants!
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