Tea on Tuesday- T-rariums and Robin's Eggs

Today, I am drinking Nature's tea- mint from the garden, with a splash of lemon to clear the senses!

If you haven't read my previous post, here is nature's teapot! This little clear teapot is one of two I have, and has been largely ignored, because it is one of two!!! So, it has been reborn as a tiny T-rarium!!!
Beach rocks from the north shore of LI, with Virginia moss and lichen. A little misting every day or so will keep it fresh- much better than being hidden away in the closet!!!

While sipping my tea, I am enjoying the scent of my tiny sprig of miniature lilac. They are as fragrant as their full sized relatives and so petite!!! The robin's eggs were removed from the tractor engine. Very determined  birds will rebuild a nest overnight, despite our best efforts to convince them otherwise, and can cause thousands of dollars of damage to the tractor, if not removed!
Please join the other ladies for tea - links can be found at Kim's and Patty's.Please join us anytime!!


  1. Making the unused new again is super. Very creative with your "T-rarium."

  2. Love your T-rarium.....what a cute way to make one.

  3. T-rarium you clever gull you!!! Love it!
    We duked it out with robin last year, she relentlessly tried building on our back porch which would have meant we could not use our patio door for the duration ... been there done that.
    Those are some beautiful eggs! Glad you saved the tractor!
    Happy Sweet T Tuesday to you!

  4. beautiful use for your lovely teapot !

  5. What a delightful Trarium! I've done something similar in clear glass Christmas ornaments and have been looking to doing the same in some jars I have. The lilac and Robin's eggs are so pretty!

  6. It's T-time with your lovely T-rarium and T-pot clock. I hope you save those eggs and use them in an art project. They are beautiful. And the tractor is a lot more important than the eggs. Even though my bEARTHday is Earth Day, I'm not now, and never will be a tree hugger. Sometimes we can have win-win situations, other times the birds' nests have to go. Lovely post today. I wondered why you didn't wait till today to post the T-rarium. Now I know why!

  7. Your T-rarium is so cute!!!! I want one!!!
    I think we have one of those same lilacs .... the variety we have is called "Miss Kim." My husband bought it just because of the name :)
    I hope your day is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing your tea with us today!!! Kimmie

  8. Love your T-rarium - wonderful idea! The robin eggs are such a pretty colour.

  9. Oh how sweet is that little glass T-rarium! Great name you dubbed it!
    You get some of the best inspirations from your found treasures! Lennie

  10. Delightful T-rarium! Total creativity here! LynnF
