Another Sleepless Night.....

...............with words and thoughts rolling around in my head. So, I got up, put those words to (cyber) paper, and let's see if my now, hopefully empty head will allow me to go to sleep.
If you're awake, drop on by my other blog, to see what words spilled out...........................good night.........


  1. I have sleepless nights very rarely now. What I have are nights filled with intense dreams and I wake up tired sometimes.

  2. hope you slept. some. and it was good!

  3. so sorry you didn't sleep, i hate nights like that, thank goodness i don't have very many

  4. I enjoyed your post, every word! Sorry you couldn't sleep, but maybe writing helped you to get back to sleep later on. Summer visits all over for us, now back to the old grind for us. Lennie
