Tea on Tuesday and Stacks

Today's tea photos were prompted by a project that Seth from The Altered Page will be featuring tomorrow on his blog.
Over 70 artists and artsy folks will be showing stacks of ephemera, paper, journals, and the like. Seth always thinks of these fun things to do!!

Who among us, does NOT have a stack of SOMETHING???
                  I DARE you to raise your hand!!! LOL

I have many stacks - so, I included a few- the last photo being the one to be included in Seth's post.
But, first- the tea: sideways, again, for reasons only blogger knows (altho hubby thinks he's got it figured, using photoshop- but I am tired, and don't want to mess with it right now- soooooooooo)

My oolong tea and mug are sitting on my 2nd mug rug from an Art4Mail online swap. The quilter did a fabulous job with fall colors.

Mine are almost done - but today was taken up by purging the basement and  making grape jam (the reason I am too tired to fool with photoshop and why this post is late today!)



Tea on Tuesday - teacups, of course!

                             Books that are yearning for their own book shelf- or a new home elsewhere
                                                        (see a title you like? Let me know!!!)

                                                    Stuff on the couch I am reading my way thru'

Guest bath

Spell check? Nah -stacks of ancient dictionaries 
(usually neatly shelved- just posing for the "stacks" photo shoot) 

                                  Journals, book covers, vintage pages, ephemera awaiting new life....

Please drop by every Tuesday for tea - see Kimmie and Patty for a list of other tea lovers.
Don't forget to visit Seth tomorrow to see many more stacks!! I know Patty and I are playing along, and maybe Kimmie too!!!


  1. Stacks of stacks. I love that. Wonderful to see all the varied items in your post. And you are so right...who doesn't have stacks!

  2. I have stacks and more stacks.. I am a stacker.

  3. I file by stacks :)

    It will be fun to see what people come up with tomorrow. I really like your interpretation!

    Happy Tuesday! Kimmie

  4. I'm very impressed with your stacks! They are so unique and original. Sorry I'm so late getting here. Gotta love those tea cups stacks.

  5. Love your mug rug...and your stacks. I'm a stacker, too...obsessively.

    Happy tea day.

  6. your stacks are great Pat...each and every one
    we are all part of the stacking club hah!

    I stayed up til after midnight to get my stack post up ... had a great day in the country with a friend who has chickens ... I brought home some warm eggs ... now that is fresh!
    (more about that next T Tuesday)

    I need to calm down and go to sleep so I can wake up and visit the stack people's posts!

  7. I am laughing at your stacks, it hits a cord with me...I am a great stacker...I hate clutter so I stack....neatly .... I know...still clutter.

  8. Absolutely Loved your stacks! You had me at the first stack of rocks! Lennie

  9. Did you know that in the office place you can tell artsy employees from the non artsy ones by their filing systems? Non arsty folks use file cabinets... the artsy ones have "file piles"! Love your stacks!

  10. Ha! LOVE your stacks! especially the tea cups. and I agree with Dianne above... yep, I must admit, there are more stacks in my house than I could possibly show...

  11. Lol!!! I Love your stacks......you and I could swap houses and feel right at home!

  12. Great stacks, Pat. I enjoyed the cup and saucer stack.

  13. This is fun! Stacks everywhere. Better than stags everywhere, huh? ;)
    A wink and a smile, xox FM

  14. what fun! great how you followed the thread of stacks all around you.

  15. Stacks everywhere, great interpretation and fun to view. xox

  16. That winking teacup is a treasure! Lovely stacks.

  17. Had to smile-we all have more than one "stack" don't we :)

  18. Hard and soft, unread and read, used and loved--what a great meaning your stacks have!

  19. you take stacks to a whole new creative level!! x

  20. SO CLEVER... love your "stacks"!
    Very inspiring, indeed.
    Thanks for sharing :]

  21. Think your stacks have stacks, LOL! Love the sideways photo too.

  22. Great stacks - how wonderful!!

  23. Oooh - a stack of towels? What a novel idea. I love to see clean laundry stacked up and ready to be put away. Makes me feel I've accomplished something. (For a minute or two, anyway.)

  24. Like to stacked cement block idea, brilliant!

  25. Wow! lots of stacks and they're all awesome! I have lots of different stacks as well but only shared my vintage books and only a small section of those. Love your vintage dictionaries!

  26. Great stacks! I like seeing all the different kinds of stacks you have in different parts of your house. I love that face teacup...super-cute!

  27. Put that in your Pipe and Stack that! So creative to bring awareness to our stacks everywhere in our surroundings...they are everywhere aren't they? I love that face in the teacup too and you make me feel much more 'normal' ! Thanks for your 'take' on this subject!

  28. I love how creative you got with your stacks for Seth's challenge! When I think of it, I have tons of things in stacks as well. Great photos!

  29. Very creative stacks! Love the dictionaries and the rock wall! Good stacking there!

  30. I see two books with the word Quilts in the title...what are they about???

    Love the towels, and dictionaries and the tea cups too.

    such fun visiting these stacks and finding such fun blogs!!!

  31. Such wonderful stacks that you share!! ")
