A Little Feedback.......

After several years of writing blogs, I am continually trying to expand my readership..........any advice?

I link each post to Networked Blogs, twitter, Facebook, Google,Linkedin and where ever else I can think of. I email friends who have asked to be alerted of new posts ( I don't browbeat for readership!!LOL)

 I visit and comment on other people's blogs. All very time consuming (and very enjoyable)- and all this is beyond just writing each blog post and putting up all the photos. Sometimes the networking takes up more time than the actual blog post!!!

The readership stats are not where I would like them to be, nor are the comments. I love my followers and am very thankful the number has risen to to where it is. Thank you all for following me - and I am trying to follow you all back, and visit as often as I can.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!! Writing and putting it out there, is all about getting our thoughts out there, and the feedback, whether it be in the numbers graph, or actual comments. We writers are a needy bunch, and "need" to know we are loved (or  READ!!!) LOL

I strive to be, at the very least, somewhat entertaining; from time to time educational and/or mildly amusing; and maybe, even sometimes, reach the heights of enlightening some days!!!LOL

                                                    So, whaddya think....??????????


  1. The road is long, with many a winding curve...
    Sometimes I only get 2 or three comments even though I can see that 50 or more people actually looked at the post. I have always been surprised to see my followers list grow.

    ps...the word verification is offputting to many commenters.

    1. I agree- the captcha word verification is sooo annoying - my eyesight is bad enough. I need glasses to read, and then trying to figure out the words. A blog I follow on wordpress has this problem,and also wants to know name, email, url and it is soo hard to leave a comment. Even as I reply to this (thru FB) it is asking me to choose a profile.....sigh

  2. Well, you have more followers than I do, so I don't really know what to tell you. I am on a blog break now because as you said it does take some time for all of it. One idea...Maybe start something similar like a 'tea on tuesday' thing, but something that you like. I have more comments since I've joined in on Paint Party Friday. Sometimes I notice I even lose followers. So, who knows. LOL I do enjoy your posts.

  3. I agree with your first two responses that the word verification and other additives make it difficult to respond sometimes. I have several friends blogs that I still haven't been able to reply to, I simply have to email them if I have something important to say. Not as computer savvy as I should be I guess and I don't have a blog myself. But I sure read yours each day.

  4. I enjoy your posts and visiting here, and there are times when comments are sparse and sometimes they are plenty but it has very gradually grown and is becoming more consistent... word verification can be a turn off since blogger changed to captcha, and I find that blogger catches most spam and I have had never had a spam comment get past them, so no word verification might help... and followers come and go... I seem to gain some, then lose a few... it is one of the great mysteries...xx

  5. I think this is a question that so many bloggers ask and one that I am not so sure there is an easy answer too. In general, many more people visit blogs than leave comments. Maybe out of time constraints, frustration with captchas, lack of confidence, and probably many more reasons. And in terms of visits, I hear from many people that visits are down and people aren't increasing the readers as they hoped. Maybe the increase in people using FB and Twitter, which seem so much more quick and simple, is having an impact on the blog world. For me, in spite of the work, my blog will always be #1.

  6. I think you are doing great! I don't know how you keep up the pace. There's only one way I know of to increase the amount of attention. Boobs. Probably not the solution that you would want to implement but it sure does work on You Tube. Any idiotic video with a screen shot of cleavage will get a million views pretty quick while videos that are important or artistic will languish unseen by the masses.

  7. You can also add a follow by email button, people can enter their email address, and when you blog, they'll get an email. That's easy for some people. I notice my comments go way down in the summer. Guess everyone is out in this heat.
