Tea on Tuesday

                                New teas, new toys, new places to explore!!!!

Having my favorite Inkivaari Tee- ginger tea from Finland, in one of my favorite mugs- handmade by Richard Busch of Glenfiddich Farm Pottery in Leesburg, Va. I have several of his pieces, and love his work!!!

Atop the mug, is one of my new "tea toys"!!!  It's a solid cherry tea strainer/infuser, hand made in America (!) by Moon Spoon.

The other little tea toy I have is a teabag tweezer, made by Stan and Sue Jennings of Alleghany Treenware.

I found these at a wonder-full shop in Elkton, Va called SoLace Studios.

SoLace is owned by Barb Polin, and it is her working studio as well as her shop. Barb is a fiber artist, who creates beautiful hand marbled silk and leather clothing and accessories. This eye candy store carries all sorts of tantalizing, must -have creations by many talented artisans.

I must have one of these mirrors - very soon!! 

The old tin ceiling is to die for....!!!

.........sensory overload.....

a serene shopping/browsing experience

Some of Barb's fabulous silks......

So, if you are in Elkton, look up Barb's shop- she is also on FB!

Now, back to my tea - I started inside, using my "new" upcycled indoor coaster!

Now, I am heading out to the garden, and here is my perfect sweetheart of an outdoor coaster!

Here's who joined me for tea - her first appearance of the season, looking like she might have had a nest of babies somewhere earlier..

Who's joining you for tea today??

Drop by Kim and Patty, for a  list of other tea lovers!!


  1. Teabag tweezer? What will they think of next? I love it!

    Is that a copper ceiling? Yep, that's definitely to die for. I would be overwhelmed in that place.

    Loved seeing your tea companion. She is adorable. And so is that heart rock. You could even say you "rock." Have a great Tea Tuesday.

  2. what a fun tea post today! I LOVE your mug! and that shop in Elkton looks like fun - I would want to touch EVERYTHING!

    Enjoy you tea today - both indoors and out!!!

  3. Lovely tea tools and mug! I would love to visit that shop... It looks right up my ally! No one to have tea here with me put my dog Fred... and he sleeps through it! Happy tea!

  4. I can totally see why you love that mug! It's perfect! Fun new toys too...
    Your coasters are fantastic as well. I'd never have thought of a gear for a coaster/trivet. :)

  5. That mug is wonderful as it that beautiful strainer... that store looks dangerous though... I think I would spend too much time and too much money!!!! have a great week...xx

  6. I have only seen a very few metal ceilings but I think they are amazingly interesting.

  7. Thanks Pat for letting folks know about SoLace. The building that houses SoLace Studios was built around 1922 after a fire burned the entire block. About seven years ago we restored the 'modernized' structure and when we removed the drop ceiling we found this original tin ceiling. Its amazing what a coat of paint will do. We were happy to find the tin ceiling in near perfect condition. Hope to see you folks in the shop sometime. It is definitely dangerous!

  8. Love the tea strainer....I use mine for loose tea as well as the bagged kind. I also can't cook with anything but my wooden utensils from Alleghany Treenware. No more metal or plastic for me!

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