I have just spent 2 hours listing on eBay - as I have the past couple of mornings!!! Kind of limits my other cyber space time!! But if you get a chance - drop in and see what's listed in my "tornado" sale!!
Everything from Wedgwood, Swarovski, teddy bears, hedgehogs, quilt tops, horse tack- it's never ending with new listings each day!!!
Maybe I'll get to read blogs later, but right now, it's on to real life and chores on my to-do list!!!
Studio Pix

Here are some pictures from my "studio" - definitely a work in progress. I may have mentioned before, that I work in the unfinished basement right now. Great views out both windows, but cement walls and floors, with pink insulation padding the unfinished ceilings. But, some day....it will be finished.
Until then, I don't have to be too neat - and when I paint, it can drip on the floor. I am even thinking about spray painting the walls- graffiti style!!!!
Besides, most days, the views out the two windows are killer!!!!
Linda's Birthday Block Exchange!!!

Got some fabric for the signature block exchange!!! Lots of cute prints- I hope everyone will be happy with them!!! Just a teaser - here they are - still rolled up!!!
And, there is red - for Ms. Swapmistress, Linda!!!
No Tea on Tuesday

Today has been kind of a wearying day.........no time for tea or posting about it!!
Found out yesterday that the building where I have an antiques booth was hit by a tornado on Saturday! I read Monday's paper, saw the word tornado in the headlines, but did not look at the picture, and turned the page.
My mom came home yesterday, and said she had driven by the shop and it looked like it had been hit by a tornado!!
I got in my car and ran over, and sure enough, half the roof was missing and insulation, tin roofing, wood and glass were strewn everywhere. Alot of the tin roof ended up across the two lane road into the farmer's field, at least 500 yards or more away! Fortunately, the horses living in that field, had not been there on Saturday!!!
By some miracle, no one was hurt - it happened on Saturday - at 10 minutes to 5 - just before closing. The owner was hurrying customers out of the back - because they close promptly at 5pm. All who had been in the back were near the register, when the winds hit. One of the cashiers almost got sucked out the front door as she tried to close it.Everyone hunkered down behind the counter, and it was over before they knew it. The back area where the customers had just been standing was totally destroyed!!! The roof lifted off, the chimney crashed in, the beams and a/c duct work collapsed, and the windows imploded. AND, the area's Doppler Radar station INSISTS there was no tornadic activity in that area on Saturday!!!!
The good news is - no one was hurt!!!! The other good news is that the little room where my mom and I have our booths, was totally spared! The bad news is some vendors lost all their inventory and display cases.
We spent today, along with other dealers, removing all our stuff. The building needs to be totally empty while they renovate. Hopefully, they will be open for business again in September.
It is sad, because almost all of the dealers I have met, are the sweetest people, mostly retired, doing this for fun (certainly not for big money), others are trying to eke a meager income to supplement their " habit" or daily living.
I hope to go back, but am still mulling it over. This is the 2nd time this building has been hit by heavy winds in 2 years. I was not aware of the first time. As much as I love having a "real" shop, I may keep selling on eBay for a while and see how that goes.
Another sour note today, was hearing about some of the dance bags and totes I made for a dance studio. One sold right away - yay!!!- but a friend checked, and two of the most expensive ones are missing and unaccounted for. I was going to give it a month or so, to see how they sold, but now I am not sure.
Oh, well, things could definitely be worse!! When one door shuts, another opens- I just have to find that darn door!!! LOL
New Stuff on eBay
I've gone back to listing on eBay - they are offering free listings for a while. Business is picking up!
Right now I have a really cute vintage shabby chic bowtie quilt top - in PINKS, a cottage chic cake carrier, and some horse stuff. Alot of stuff from my shop will be finding its way to eBay for as long as they have no listing fees!!!
Drop in if you have some time..........................
Right now I have a really cute vintage shabby chic bowtie quilt top - in PINKS, a cottage chic cake carrier, and some horse stuff. Alot of stuff from my shop will be finding its way to eBay for as long as they have no listing fees!!!
Drop in if you have some time..........................
Pay it Forward!!!!
During my blog surfing one day, I came across the phrase, "Pay it forward"
This piqued my interest, so I clicked on the blog and read further. The blog is My Quilted Nest
She was the recipient of a 'pay it forward' gift, and was now paying it forward. I signed up, (who could resist?), and now I am paying it forward. I have not received my goody in the mail - but I know it will come someday when I least expect it!!! It's also a great blog - you should drop in!!!
I "lifted" the explanation below from Quilted Nest, hope she doesn't mind.
" If you are unfamiliar with the process, it works like this: the first three people who comment on this post will receive something hand-made (and maybe a little something extra!) from me within the next 365 days. In turn, you promise to pay it forward and make something for three people who comment on your blog. It's way fun."
I may change the time frame a little- in 365 days, I would forget who gets what - so I will make it 3 months. With no distractions on my end, the commentor may get their gift alot sooner!!! All goodies will be different - and right now I have no clue what they will be!!!
Remember, it is limited to the 1st THREE people who leave a comment and are bloggers and followers, or are bloggers and become a follower.............then you must promise to pay it forward on your blog.
Ready, set, GO!!!!!!!
This piqued my interest, so I clicked on the blog and read further. The blog is My Quilted Nest
She was the recipient of a 'pay it forward' gift, and was now paying it forward. I signed up, (who could resist?), and now I am paying it forward. I have not received my goody in the mail - but I know it will come someday when I least expect it!!! It's also a great blog - you should drop in!!!
I "lifted" the explanation below from Quilted Nest, hope she doesn't mind.
" If you are unfamiliar with the process, it works like this: the first three people who comment on this post will receive something hand-made (and maybe a little something extra!) from me within the next 365 days. In turn, you promise to pay it forward and make something for three people who comment on your blog. It's way fun."
I may change the time frame a little- in 365 days, I would forget who gets what - so I will make it 3 months. With no distractions on my end, the commentor may get their gift alot sooner!!! All goodies will be different - and right now I have no clue what they will be!!!
Remember, it is limited to the 1st THREE people who leave a comment and are bloggers and followers, or are bloggers and become a follower.............then you must promise to pay it forward on your blog.
Ready, set, GO!!!!!!!
ABC's of Me
A- Age - wouldn't you like to know...................but you won't!!!
B - Bed size: Queen
C - Chore you hate: washing pots
D - Dog's name:there are many!!!!
E - Essential start your day item:Tea
F- Favorite color: mint green
G - Gold or Silver: silver- , can't really afford the gold I REALLY like!!!
H - Height: 5' 7"
I - Instruments you play: took piano lessons as a kid - but don't play well anymore, if ever!!
J - Job title: after wearing many hats at one time - no real job title now- maybe gardener?
K - Kid(s):2
L - Living arrangements: own home on the farm
M - Mom's name: TMI
N - Nicknames:TMI
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: none
P - Pet Peeve(s): rudeness and being late
Q - Quote from a movie: Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn....................
R - Right or left handed: right
S - Siblings: 1
T - Time you wake up: 5:30 to 6:30am
U - Underwear: always!
V - Vegetable you dislike: lima beans
W - Ways you run late: being on the computer
X - X-rays you've had: ?
Y - Yummy food you make: featherweight pound cake, zucchini sauteed in butter with shallots - Love shallots!!!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Leo - the best! LOL
Thanks, Gene and Pat - that was fun!!!
B - Bed size: Queen
C - Chore you hate: washing pots
D - Dog's name:there are many!!!!
E - Essential start your day item:Tea
F- Favorite color: mint green
G - Gold or Silver: silver- , can't really afford the gold I REALLY like!!!
H - Height: 5' 7"
I - Instruments you play: took piano lessons as a kid - but don't play well anymore, if ever!!
J - Job title: after wearing many hats at one time - no real job title now- maybe gardener?
K - Kid(s):2
L - Living arrangements: own home on the farm
M - Mom's name: TMI
N - Nicknames:TMI
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: none
P - Pet Peeve(s): rudeness and being late
Q - Quote from a movie: Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn....................
R - Right or left handed: right
S - Siblings: 1
T - Time you wake up: 5:30 to 6:30am
U - Underwear: always!
V - Vegetable you dislike: lima beans
W - Ways you run late: being on the computer
X - X-rays you've had: ?
Y - Yummy food you make: featherweight pound cake, zucchini sauteed in butter with shallots - Love shallots!!!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Leo - the best! LOL
Thanks, Gene and Pat - that was fun!!!
Award Time
Imagine my surprise, while reading my bloggy friend Linda's latest post, to find that she had some very sweet words to say about me and "presented" me with an award!!! Coulda knocked me over with the proverbial feather, but I very happily accept and was finally able to claw my way out of some level of computer illiteracy and figure out how to post the award in my sidebar!!! Sentiments right back atcha' Linda........:>)
Blogging has opened a whole new world for me, that I look forward to checking in every morning. I have made some wonderful cyber friends, acquaintances,and connections, and have learned so much along the way- whether it be in the world of art, farming, or computerese!!!
So, now I get to pass the award along. I will only pass it to one - even tho alot of people would and do deserve it. It goes to people who are warm, caring and sharing, who maybe have alot on their plate or in their lives some days, but always manage to post with a smile!!! The words I "borrowed" from one of the original posts of this award( the blog that awarded it to Linda): "people you admire, you are learning from and those who inspire you enough at succeeding with your next project".
I pick Patty to pass this on to! She was the one who got me into blogging a year or so ago, and never fails to amaze me with the depth of her artsy knowledge and her endless talent- sometime to the point of greenish tinged envy!! LOL
So, thanks again, Linda, and now the award is passed on to Patty!!! And, I, go on with the rest of my day, with a smile on my face and a skip in my step..........
Blogging has opened a whole new world for me, that I look forward to checking in every morning. I have made some wonderful cyber friends, acquaintances,and connections, and have learned so much along the way- whether it be in the world of art, farming, or computerese!!!
So, now I get to pass the award along. I will only pass it to one - even tho alot of people would and do deserve it. It goes to people who are warm, caring and sharing, who maybe have alot on their plate or in their lives some days, but always manage to post with a smile!!! The words I "borrowed" from one of the original posts of this award( the blog that awarded it to Linda): "people you admire, you are learning from and those who inspire you enough at succeeding with your next project".
I pick Patty to pass this on to! She was the one who got me into blogging a year or so ago, and never fails to amaze me with the depth of her artsy knowledge and her endless talent- sometime to the point of greenish tinged envy!! LOL
So, thanks again, Linda, and now the award is passed on to Patty!!! And, I, go on with the rest of my day, with a smile on my face and a skip in my step..........
Fiber Fabrications,
karma award,
magpies nest
Free Paint!!!!

Not too long ago, I posted a link where you could get a FREE quart of Glidden paint -your choice of color!!
Well, mine arrived yesterday - woohoo!!!! It was delivered by FedEx, no less.
It's arrival was preceded by a note describing step by step, how to remove the plastic non re-usable safety seal on the top of the can!
I am very pleased, and now how to figure out where to use it!!! I just love getting free stuff!!!
Thanks, Glidden!!!!
Tuesday Tea

Today's post is short and sweet - just like my tea....................
My version of sun tea - tea bag in a mug of water - left on the porch in the sun. A couple of minutes later - voila - tea!!!!!!!!
A new tea - PG Tips from England-tips meaning they only take the top 2 leaves and bud to make their tea. Company started by Arthur Brooke in 1869.
And, the tea is in a cool pyramid shaped stringless bag.
Today's mug is a brown spongeware Workshops of Gerald Henn - thrift store find (of course). I bought a pair of them - the brown was an early color - the company is no longer in business, so I guess these are now collectibles! For a while Workshops was a competitor of Longaberger. Guess who won..........Love the shape of these mugs!
Please visit Kimmie to visit other tea "parties"!! We'll see you next Tuesday for tea - please join us!!!
Make Your Own Oilcloth
Spoonflower had a link to this info on how to create your own oilcloth - the old fashioned way! Kind of interesting!!!
The Mailman Cometh and Treasures in a Trashbag!!!

I love when the mailbox is full - and I had a package in my mailbox yesterday!!! That always makes me happy!!!
I won a prize at Linda's Fiber Fabrications - it was a beautiful length of wool roving from her beautiful alpacas!!! So, now I will be playing with wool!!! Linda has made some wonderful needle felted pincushions, and I have been roaming the internet looking for tutorials on how to proceed. I think I have it - but only doing it for real will tell if I really do "have" it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Linda!!!!! And a special thank you to the sweet alpacas who donated the fiber!!!!
In my searching, I came across this amazing website - this woman creates totally realistic wool felted animals! Check this out
Another great how-to site on machine felting is www.fiberella.com
When I went to the farmers' market this morning, the llama farmer was there - we have been missing each other - one week I am there and he is not, and vice versa!! Some how we got on the subject of wool a couple of weeks back, and he mentioned that he would be glad to give me some from his llamas. And, boy, did he come thru today!!!! A huge black trash bag - filled to the brim with all colors of llama fiber!! Woohoo!!! And, he said if I wanted more, he'd be glad to bring me some more - I AM in trouble now................!!!
Tomorrow will be play with wool day!!! I have nothing else to do- (except garden and the usual animal husbandry!!:>) )I am going to get out my new felting needles, and my vintage carding combs, and see what I can do with all this wool!!! After all, I will definitely need something to show next Saturday at the farmers market!!!
needle felting,
wool felting,
wool roving
The Altered Page's Buried Treasures
Not being a true artist in any sense of the word, I decided to look back into my first blog (my book to be) to bring forth again for Seth's new endeavor. I didn't post anything for the first go around - couldn't find anything artsy enough to be worthy of reposting!!
But, of all my creations, I like my words the best, so here is a post that maybe the artist in you can relate to.
Everyone needs a place to regroup, and let creativity flow, whether it is your studio, a chair on the deck, or browsing thru an art gallery. This is my spot...............
But, of all my creations, I like my words the best, so here is a post that maybe the artist in you can relate to.
Everyone needs a place to regroup, and let creativity flow, whether it is your studio, a chair on the deck, or browsing thru an art gallery. This is my spot...............
Picture as Promised

In a previous post, I mentioned I was working on an order of dance shoe totes for a local studio.This is one of the dance totes I completed-called "Vera Who?"- it is the right size for ballet shoes, or as an everyday mini carryall. The lining is sandcastle quilted fabric, and the print is a fat quarter from my stash by Dena Designs/Fabric Traditions called Spring Bliss. The bag measures 8" x 10" with 8" handles. There is a pocket inside for cell or whatever.
All of my bags/totes are my own designs. On my to-do list is to get organized enough to make a pattern or two!!! We'll see how that goes!!!
Eeny, Meenie, Miney , Mo........

...into which mug will my tea go???????
I've collected so many pottery mugs over the past year, that it's hard to use them all!! Collecting them has become an addiction- but there is nothing like drinking your tea out of a mug someone made by hand.
I guess today I will use Richard's Japanese salt fired mug and teapot, altho I love these "new" thrift store mugs made in 2001 by a local potter, Mike Yoder! Decisions, decisions......
If only life's daily decisions were as easy as choosing what mug to use...................
While drinking my Stash Lemon Blossom caffeine free tea on the porch, my shivers from the chilly morning were warmed by the patch of sun at the edge of the deck. The hummingbirds buzzed at top speed around my head - wondering why I was invading "their" breakfast nook this early in the morning!
Be sure to drop in on the other "members" of our tea party-their links can be found at Kimmie's place!
Gee's Bend Quilters
You have to go visit this blog - the quilter went to the fabulous Sisters, Oregon Quilt show, and met some of the Gee's Bend quilters. She posted a little video of them singing while they signed autographs - too fabulous!! I have always regretted not going to see the Gee's Bend quilt exhibit while in DC- but seeing this little video kind of makes up for it!! LOL
Gee's Bend Quilters,
With Heart and Hands
This, That & the Other..................
Wow! Every morning, so many blogs to follow, so many new posts to read, so many challenges to participate in, so many contests and giveaways to enter!
The mind boggles, and being of scattered mind anyway, I get soooo flustered and don't know where to go first!!!
To all the blogs I follow, I do read you all every day - but may not have the time to comment, enter or participate all the time! I would never leave the house, if I didn't step away from blogland occasionally!!! Blogland is definitely fun, inspiring, educational, AND addictive!!!
I have been busy sewing - have a bunch of dance shoe totes that need to be delivered to the dance studio this weekend- here's hoping they sell!! Last night I completed the tiny little "Vera Who??" ballet tote. It's so cute - I will have to take a pic and post it later!
In an attempt to " lure" some new customers in- I paid for some additional advertising on Etsy's Storque Showcase. Not sure if this will pay off, since it appears to be difficult for non members to find the link.But it was a minimal investment- I may give it one more try, and advertise on Etsy's main home page. Has anyone out there used Etsy's showcase before?
Here is the Link
Look for the little green apple and click on it - that's me!!!
I have checked in with Etsy, Twitter, Blogger,Wordpress, email, and FB-and the morning networking is complete!! So, again, it is time to step away from the computer, and step back into the "real" world!! Horses, dogs, garden, sewing, and life await!!! I'll check back in later..............
The mind boggles, and being of scattered mind anyway, I get soooo flustered and don't know where to go first!!!
To all the blogs I follow, I do read you all every day - but may not have the time to comment, enter or participate all the time! I would never leave the house, if I didn't step away from blogland occasionally!!! Blogland is definitely fun, inspiring, educational, AND addictive!!!
I have been busy sewing - have a bunch of dance shoe totes that need to be delivered to the dance studio this weekend- here's hoping they sell!! Last night I completed the tiny little "Vera Who??" ballet tote. It's so cute - I will have to take a pic and post it later!
In an attempt to " lure" some new customers in- I paid for some additional advertising on Etsy's Storque Showcase. Not sure if this will pay off, since it appears to be difficult for non members to find the link.But it was a minimal investment- I may give it one more try, and advertise on Etsy's main home page. Has anyone out there used Etsy's showcase before?
Here is the Link
Look for the little green apple and click on it - that's me!!!
I have checked in with Etsy, Twitter, Blogger,Wordpress, email, and FB-and the morning networking is complete!! So, again, it is time to step away from the computer, and step back into the "real" world!! Horses, dogs, garden, sewing, and life await!!! I'll check back in later..............
From Apples to Aprons!

Being of scattered mind, I tend to flit from one project to another! Anyone else have that problem????
I just finished making a bushel of apple pincushions for the farmers' market, when a pile of discarded vintage linen tablecloths caught my eye at the thrift store where I volunteer. They were deemed unfit for sale, because of a teeny stain here or there. Of course, I couldn't see them being tossed, so they came home with me!!
The first tablecloth was so pretty, I hated to cut it, but cut I did, and turned it into an apron. The leftover scraps will end up as sachets, pincushions, and pillowcases.
I have alot of half aprons in my store inventory that are not moving right now. I prefer full bib aprons myself, so I took a couple of the half aprons, and turned them into bib aprons. Those discarded tablecloths are going a long way!! I was really tempted to keep a couple of the "new" aprons for myself - but I have enough aprons in my pantry now, that I could wear a different one each day for a couple of weeks!!
I took one of the aprons to the shop, and used my dressmaker dummy for photos for them all. I was trying to find a place in the store with no backround distractions - but that was impossible!!! My area is small, so I couldn't get the whole apron in the shot without tripping over someone else's inventory!! So, I dragged Ms. Dummy into the aisle and started snapping away!!
I don't use a pattern, so I guess you could say these are OOAK aprons! I probably should make a paper pattern for the ones that turn out well, so I can replicate the design! But, I am not yet that organized!!
The blue flowered apron (my favorite!) started life as a rather unattractive smock apron, destined for the rag pile. I took it home, and thought about it for awhile, cut it into pieces,and gave it a whole new look. I had some bakelite buttons in my stash that went perfectly, I think.I kept the 3 or 4 pockets the smock style had. I really like this one - but it will be on etsy shortly. The white cutwork apron with blue ties is in my "land" shop.
The 3rd one started out as a handkerchief half apron from my shop inventory- I added the top from the cutwork linen tablecloth. This one will also be in the etsy shop.
Today is another day, I wonder where my mind will take me!!! :>)
vintage aprons
Another Contest
Check out this blog - it's another man quilter - discovered him thru Gene. Looks like he has a great little shop in upstate NY, and the giveaway is some fabulous fabrics. I am now following his blog!!
Happy July 4th!!!

I was looking for a patriotic picture to post - and the only thing I could come up with is a flag I made a few years ago to celebrate our move into our then new home.
Please forgive the rockets' red glare....oh, wait - that's the camera's flash glare!!!!!
Soo, everyone have a safe and happy holiday - and remember our troops, past and present, and the words in the pledge.
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