Dog on a Hot Tin Roof....

...not to be confused with the Tennessee Williams' play of a similar title  !!! LOL

Across the street from Julieanna,  on the other side of the railroad tracks, sits an old farm house.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed some movement by the upstairs window.

Well, I guess these folks are using this as their doggie door.. And, why have a curtain, when you can use a Confederate flag.....!!!

Obviously, the roof wasn't too hot, but the dog seemed perfectly comfortable up there. It gives him a literal bird's eye view of the world around him!

The people who live there, have been known to sit up there also- when the venue on this side of the tracks has an outdoor concert!            Best seat on the house!!!!

                                            I can see Main Street from here....!!!


                                 Checking out the other side.........................

                                                    Time to head inside................

When the dog's on the roof, make sure if you're on the porch, that you are UNDER the roof!  LOL

Tea on Tuesday

What to write about? - TEA? Of course!
                      Maybe, happy mail that includes tea- of course!

                                              Spring flowers, of course!!!

                                      All of the above???????????????? OF COURSE!!!!!!!

I received 2 unexpected happy mails  this week - the fact that they are unexpected - makes them all the more happy!!!

First, was a delayed Xmas package - that was supposed to be delivered in person - but life got in the way....

Lovely set of tea towels, a teapot pendant, bird cage, and a hammered spoon.  I need to find that "font" for altered silverware I create!! Love it all!!! Thank you , Montte......

The next really unexpected happy mail came yesterday - just in time to be included in this tea post!!

From faerwillow of the lovely blog serendipity - a wonder-full package of goodies, from a tea swap, that I had long forgotten about. Sometimes, when life gets in the way of getting stuff in the mail (as it does with me on a regular basis!) - it makes it all the more sweeter, when the package arrives- totally unexpectedly!!!

Asian green tea w/brown rice -very yum! A tea book, 2 handmade cards, and a lovely bone china English cup and saucer

                                The tea cup is totally in synch with this post's SPRING theme!!!

                                                 Thank you so much, lady faerwillow

                             Be sure to visit her BEAUTIFUL blog- artful in both words and photos

                                                            the flowers of spring

one of my favorites- forsythia

                                                             a white dilly

the Bradford pear, blossoms but a memory- trees now turning green....

                                                  a brilliant pink hued Easter cactus in full bloom

                                     ......not to be outdone by the phlox in my rock garden......

                                                 or my baby weeping cherry..............................

and let's not forget the distant redbud along the old road

in the distance, the vintage red quince still surrounds the rubble filled foundation of the old farmhouse
My prickly pear cactus has survived another winter, and is plumping up! I am NOT looking forward to weeding  this!!!
        The impossibly teeny wild violets await drying- to be preserved in some future art project

                And, finally, a true sign of spring - the hummingbird feeders are hung and waiting!!!

Enjoy your tea- thanks for visiting!! Be sure to drop by and visit Patty and Kim (who has a giveaway!!!), for a list of more tea loving bloggers!!! 

Tea on Tuesday

                                               Happy belated St. Patty's Day to ya' all!!!

Had my Irish Breakfast tea, in my vintage Firestone mug......

                Spring has sprung, and is merrily springing in fast forward- and early!!!

 The old fashioned daffodils are popping up everywhere, and the quince is buzzing with bees and buds!

In a couple more years, our flowering pear allee should be gorgeous......

                                                            But, back to tea.....

The fabulous Beekman Boys shared this- and I have to share it with you!!!
Beautiful photos - and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the teapot!!!!!!

And check out THIS teapot - made especially for Beekman - " The b .1802 Rural Artist Collective member that does our goat leg soap dishes is doing 4 one of a kind teapots based on animals at Beekman Farm. We'll have a gallery show and auction later in the year. Was there any doubt who stepped forward to be the first model?
— with Polka Spot."

Please visit Patty and Kim for a list of other tea fanciers!


Mountain Meadows Quilters Retreat 2012

The Pulse of Mixed Media- A Follow Up Project

Seth Apter, of The Altered Page, recently had his first book published!!!

This book was a result of the interaction he had with many online artists, and a survey that these artists all participated in.
I am thrilled to say I got to participate, and altho' I am not one of the 31 spotlighted artists in the book, one of my survey question answers is in there, and my blog is listed. Woohoo! I already got my copy- I pre-ordered on Amazon!!! It's a great, must have book, spotlighting many great artists, including  Angela Cartwright, Sarah Fishburn, and Robyn Gordon- to name a few!!!!

Now, Seth has taken 3 of the survey questions, one from each section of the book, and is asking everyone to answer 1, 2 or all 3. These creations will travel with him on a rotating basis. Very exciting!!

1. The Artistic Ingredient: If your artwork could talk, what would it say?
2. Passion in Action: Who has had the most impact on your creative life?
3. Secrets Revealed: What is one thing you have never shared with the creative community?
Each answer had to  be on a  5" x 5" square,  a piece of paper, card stock, canvas, wood panel, fabric, whatever strikes your fancy. 

There was no specific deadline - one day, he will just pop up and say it is now closed to all submissions!!!

So, I rushed off to complete something.

I have several old book covers (many of which I have given away to others, since I had no idea what to do with them!)
These seemed like the perfect opportunity to use some of what I kept! I searched thru the few I had left, and cut them into three  5" squares, thinking I would answer all three questions - why not?????
Then, I took my little dremel drill and drilled holes in the sides, thinking they could be loosely bound together, so it would fold up in a neat little pile, and/or stand upright.

I was looking for brown card stock for the words, had none, and couldn't find any in the local craft store. Suddenly, I had an idea - not an original idea, I am sure- but thought I would see if my printer would accept a brown paper bag to print on - and it did! Whew!!! Didn't want to hear it from D/H, if I screwed up the printer!!!

Then, I rounded up some of my saved used teabags, some vintage text, and used them to cover one of the squares. Also, found a lovely handmade paper from one of my online swaps, trimmed it up, and started pasting away.

I ripped the text printed on the paper bags, and burned the edges over a candle. That worked for the first few, then some of the thinner bags started going up in flames, a bit too quickly!!LOL So, I "aged" the remaining edges with brown ink.

I "bound" the pieces together with a waxed cord, nothing fancy, so it can fold up, or stand up.

                                                 Here is the finished product

Don't want to spoil the fun- it just went out in the mail today to Seth. Hope he likes it..........

I can't wait to see the other ones, as they come rolling in to his studio!!!!

It does feel good to have actually completed a project-and, on time!!!!

Tea on Tuesday

Still haven't figured out what tea I will have today, but thought I would post about our ladies' artsy group that meets the 2nd week of each month, combining creativity and tea.

This was Bobbi and Judy's idea, and we had our 2nd meeting last Thursday at Judy's. 1st meeting was at Bobbi's, where we explored the wonders of needle felting!!! More on that in another post.

When we meet, we have tea, of course! The next meeting is at my house, and I have alot to live up to- after experiencing the wonderful teas at Bobbi's and Judy's houses!!!

Last week, our group played at making greeting cards. Both Judy and Bobbi are experts at it - Bobbi has the Cricut (she just told me there is a sale on them at Michael's, drool, drool,- but I can't justify spending that $ right now.....sigh)
Julie and I did the best we could- in the unfamiliar waters of cardmaking!

I had an uncle and a cousin with birthdays coming up, so I made cards for them. It forced me to dig out and use up some of the endless amounts of ephemera  I have amassed, from online swaps, and my own collecting.  Judy and Bobbi were good enough to share from their enticing caches!!!

First, check out Judy's studio!!! To die for - and soooo organized!!!! Far different from my very disorganized basement studio.......

                 Judy added 3 extra tables to her roomy studio, so we would each have a place to work.

A stamper's paradise- and endless drawers, organized and neatly labelled!

Bobbi, sorting her teapots and cups for the adorable cards she is making for Julie's shop- Julieanna

Judy at her desk

We break for lunch and tea

Judy and Julie

A sumptuous spread

Scones, clotted cream and spreads, sandwiches cut in teapot shapes

 Out to the screened in porch to a lovely table, with scrumptious broccoli soup waiting for us
Judy made everyone a lovely floral bookmark, placed by our plates.

How cute is this little sandwich? - good too!!!

"MY" teacup, that I SOOO wanted to stick in my purse!!!

Desserts- scones, and chocolate cookies, and clotted cream and lemon spread....yummmmmmmm

                                  A lovely centerpiece- I have this very same tea angel at home!!!

                                                Back to finishing our cards.....................................

Julie made hers with fabric - blogger has turned them sideways again......they are really cute!!!!

With blank card stock from Bobbi, I took some of the stuff I brought from home (that little heart came from an online paper swap -anyone recognize sending it?), and made a card for my cousin.

                                     Somehow, I missed getting a photo of the other cards.

A fun time - next month's meeting, at my house (however will I meet the established level of                  teaworthiness????)
we will be making upcycled china pedestals(which takes no time at all!) and crazy quilting.

Drop by Patty and Kim for a list of other tea lovers. Drop back again next Tuesday!!!!

***join me at Mountain Meadows Quilters Retreat 2012****

A Day (or two) in Pictures.......

Can you see the vapor trail descending directly from the cloud?

Warmth, and dry river bed, brings out the crawlies..........

Inside, apparently, too!!!!

My sweet John, recovering from his injuries, and wandering around the front yard. When he's done mowing the lawn, he just takes himself back to the barn- Too bad the rest of his herd is not that trustworthy!!!

While I was in the drive thru' of the bank, there he sat....

I have a little, er, uh, BIG shadow that goes in and out with me......

Gorgeous, and not mine....

1st controlled jump ever- poetry (sort'a) in motion

Less than 5 miles from home !!!
A very nice woman did not mind us pulling in her driveway and letting Cisco munch on her lawn, while D/H changed the tire on the trailer...

Yesterday's brief coating of snow, with the mourning doves hunkering down

John, staring intently at me, across the field, thru' the blowing snow, wondering why I am not walking toward him with his bowl of warm mash